Jordan Lewin: Vegas from the sky.
Jordan Lewin: The first few of us that got there.
Jordan Lewin: Brusha brusha brusha. The view from the MGM Grand.
Jordan Lewin: That's a 20ox piña colada. The next one was 32oz.
Jordan Lewin: First poolside chillin'.
Jordan Lewin: Janae getting pumped for the roller coaster.
Jordan Lewin: Getting ready to hit the roller coaster! All 67mph and 86 feet of it!
Jordan Lewin: All aboard!
Jordan Lewin: The crew watching ... something very interesting.
Jordan Lewin: Pondering.
Jordan Lewin: Discussing.
Jordan Lewin: Arriving upon the answer to life, the Universe, and everything.
Jordan Lewin: Under Parisian skies.
Jordan Lewin: Sippy sip.
Jordan Lewin: Cute.
Jordan Lewin: Cuter.
Jordan Lewin: Janae with random police dude. Why not?
Jordan Lewin: Better watch out, he'll karate chop you in half.
Jordan Lewin: Don't mess with Secret Agent Stephen.
Jordan Lewin: Post party chillin'.
Jordan Lewin: Love New York. Not that one.
Jordan Lewin: I see you!
Jordan Lewin: Dancers.
Jordan Lewin: That's 889 pounds of pumpkin. Wonder how many pies you could make with that.
Jordan Lewin: That's right, 889 pounds.
Jordan Lewin: Crazy roots.
Jordan Lewin: Red flowers.
Jordan Lewin: Yellow flowers.
Jordan Lewin: Red and yellow flowers.
Jordan Lewin: Purple tree. Straight out of a Tim Burton movie.