Jo 60: A place to rest
Jo 60: Gull chick
Jo 60: Robin in the snowdrops
Jo 60: East Midlands trains
Jo 60: Hurry up its cold
Jo 60: Lost in thought
Jo 60: Dragonfly on leaf
Jo 60: Dragon fly relaxing
Jo 60: Damsel fly on blackberry blossom
Jo 60: Damsel fly
Jo 60: Butterfly speckled wood
Jo 60: butterfly peacock
Jo 60: Butterfly gatekeeper
Jo 60: Poppies
Jo 60: Bird in flight
Jo 60: Chaffinch male
Jo 60: Calopteryx splendens Banded Demoiselle
Jo 60: beautiful world
Jo 60: Ducklings
Jo 60: Duckling
Jo 60: Duck and duclklings swimming
Jo 60: Duck and ducklings
Jo 60: Bird eating
Jo 60: View of Rome watercolour
Jo 60: Rome skyline monochrome
Jo 60: Pillars monochrome
Jo 60: Pillars
Jo 60: Wollaton Hall at sunrise
Jo 60: Sunrise over Power station
Jo 60: Sunset