Sky Noir: Perseid Meteors and one sporadic
Pierre Import / T1MEK0DE: Fallout 4 diorama - Entire view
davidmurr: Autumn Colors at Thistle Hollow
Ayne Bales Photography: Standard Drug Company
davidmurr: The day's last rays of sun paint the treetops in gold
davidmurr: Spring Thunderstorms
davidmurr: Conjunction of the slim crescent Moon, Venus, and Mars
davidmurr: Geminids (2014)
throwingutah: IMGP7079.jpg
throwingutah: IMGP7076.jpg
davidmurr: Partial Solar Eclipse - October 23, 2014
davidmurr: Milky Way over Roque Bluffs, Maine
Sky Noir: Last Night Under the Milky Way
eddit: San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge at Sunrise
davidmurr: Les Reflets des Étoiles
KellyBeth7: DSC_3540
davidmurr: Okean-O Satellite Passing Through the Milky Way
davidmurr: Field of Winter
davidmurr: En vinternatt
davidmurr: ISS Over Country Skies; Sails Through Cygnus and the Milky Way
davidmurr: ORS-3 Minotaur Launch Seen from Central Virginia
davidmurr: ISS Passes Through the Milky Way, Toward Andromeda
FrankM301: Milky Way after LADEE Launch