fdecomite: Secrets Hidden in Maths
James Webb Space Telescope: Star Duo Forms ‘Fingerprint’ in Space, NASA’s Webb Finds
fdecomite: DALL·E 2022-12-23 18.36.19 - A computing machine made of ropes and gears, as tall as a hill, with small programmers at its feet, realistic 1920 kodachrome
MWM Graphics: Tiles For Miles.
fdecomite: euclide5
fdecomite: Euclide's Orchard
zmiс: u_145805935931
zmiс: u_145803284774
zmiс: u_145803275888
zmiс: u_141651912001
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zmiс: u_141651367375
zmiс: u_141665540036
zmiс: u_141651641665
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Just Peachy!: More checkermallow
Nancy's ~: Sidalcea oregana (Oregon checkermallow)
Mark Noack: empire...
Rick Obst: Wall mural in Eugene, Oregon
ogvt.org: M20190806_230352_VTE_8P
Softology: Mandelbrot Power 5 20190805_152809
Softology: Mandelbrot Power 5 20190805_153532
Softology: random 59
Softology: sample 030
Softology: mgs08
Softology: mgs09
jared: William and Kevin in the Lifestar
jared: mini Lifestar
fdecomite: Recursive Apollonian Gasket