XeXe: DSC02812
XeXe: DSC02834
MzF.: Barcelona
XeXe: P1260715 copy
XeXe: P1220374
Luca Grieco: Greetings from Albugnano
solfrost: All those moments...
nicolasnova: Memory Pad
Brigantino: well..
Luca Grieco: Morimondo 2010
Luca Grieco: Morimondo 2010
Frankie Basetta!: Electrical river
iyoupapa: 酢モツ
XeXe: IMG_8188
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Succulents outside the studio we rented for the workshop in Santa Cruz
Taarke: thunderstorm over Carso 1
Found Photographer: 35mm Lego Pinhole Camera Front
.Luigi Mirto/ArchiMlFotoWord FIAF/AFI-UIF: Virginia e Betty 2 - Virginia and Betty 2
David Norfolk: Paint, Drying - LR2-8210015-web
PeteZab: Tracks
Muzzlehatch: Taking the Wild
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): A Shell on the bench on the beach near Bradenton.