JShkolny55: Dornie, Scotland
pieter.struiksma: On my way to the mill ...
lavignassey: Fairy tale
99tremblayh@gmail.com: Papillon tigré du Canada
Diana Ruder Photography: Pusatilla pastell
bautisterias: Perugia - Fontana Maggiore by Giovanni Pisano (1275 AD)
bautisterias: Perugia - Via delle Prome
Zoë Power: Dahlia flatlay in pastel shades of pink and coral
JLM62380: Waiting
fabrizio daminelli : Pulsatilla montana
Tony N.: Chambord
Valerio Seveso: Crocus delle Alpi
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with a bouquet of tulips and daisies
Dana 48: peach blossoms
- Etude -: Arise
- AdelheidS Photography -: Pitigliano under bad weather, Italy
Instagram @joannieforpeace: Perhaps a little something to brighten the day
doby1958: Siena ovunque bella
Carlos. B: _Cara a cara
Shirly Hamra: Take time to smell the flowers. Take time to hug a tree. Take time to hear each bird sing. Take time to simply be! Tears of the bride & Zosterops palpebrosus
Carlos. B: Las setas y las mariposas
Magnolfi Lorenzo "MAGNO": Eurasian Hoopoe - Upupa
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with a bouquet of roses and plums
rajojomanik_99: Indigo Bunting (male)
Carlos. B: Iphiclides podalirius.
Gycessé: Abbaye de Sénanque.