Laura's Aura: The Flamboyance of Flamingos (Best viewed in Original)
Tim Gardner pics: kingfisher
peterschmidt2711: Aporia crataegi
Tim Gardner pics: Autumn morning
Pete Walkden: Otters
Steven Falk: Bombus subterraneus third release - Dungeness, Kent 19 May 2014a
Tim Gardner pics: Northern lights over canal
observe:photo doc:learn = fun :): Showing "broken necklace" pattern
benyeuda: Far away, Across the Valley... But a winner!
observe:photo doc:learn = fun :): Short Vid.Doc of Carl's Mega
neilhilton65: Blue-naped Chlorophonia
jon. moore: Awaiting ID
neilhilton65: Magpie Tanager
Rich Hall: Black Skimmer (first Clarke Co. record), Sandy Creek Park
Dave913: Ladock, Cornwall UK.
dmcculloch5: Rarity!
respect_all_plants: Brachyglottis x jubar (Shrub Ragwort), flowers, Port of Ness, Isle of Lewis, 17.6.24
Warrener: Nettle Clustercup Rust - Puccinia urticata
neilhilton65: Owlfly
henerz1: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Garry Barlow: Orange-tailed Clearwing. (Synanthedon andrenaeformis)
dmcculloch5: Puffin (8)
Cladoniophile: Coccinella 7-punctata, reflex-bleeding from knees as it is attached by Lasius niger ants, while feeding on Aphis fabae, on Pastinaca sativa, Wild Parsnip, Ring Haw, Northants DSC_5430
traveller_from_Germany: watch your step...
Ryan_Dobson: Clubmoss
Geofkhan: Garganey male