Baractus: View from the hide at Punta Rasa
Baractus: Punta Rasa
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Kelp Gull imm
Baractus: Magauri Stork
Baractus: Fulvous Whistling Ducks, heading sw
Baractus: Grey-headed Gull 2cy
Baractus: Grey-headed Gull
Baractus: Brown-hooded Gull 2cy
Baractus: Snowy-crowned Tern juv
Baractus: Snowy-crowned Tern ad
Baractus: American Barn Swallow juv
Baractus: Road through the pampas
Baractus: Pampas
Baractus: White-browed Blackbird
Baractus: Lesser Yellowlegs
Baractus: Coypu
Baractus: Pectoral Sandpiper
Baractus: Olrog's Gull
Baractus: Kelp Gull juv
Baractus: Magauri Stork
Baractus: Grey-headed Gull
Baractus: Brown-hooded Gull
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Olrog's Gull juv
Baractus: Brown-hooded Gull 2cy
Baractus: Brown-hooded Gull 2cy