Robert C Johnson: 7: (43,53)
Robert C Johnson: Thirty-one
Robert C Johnson: Forty-one
Robert C Johnson: Forty-seven
Robert C Johnson: Rainwater, rainbow
Robert C Johnson: Advent specials
Robert C Johnson: Seventeen A
Robert C Johnson: Forty-two
Robert C Johnson: Forty-three
Robert C Johnson: Twenty-nine and twenty-seven
Robert C Johnson: Targeting number forty-two
Robert C Johnson: Brown and green
Robert C Johnson: Forty-one
Robert C Johnson: Thirty-one
Robert C Johnson: Twenty-nine
Robert C Johnson: Forty-two
Robert C Johnson: Fifty-three
Robert C Johnson: Prime location
Robert C Johnson: Henri and me
Robert C Johnson: Essence of Euclid
Robert C Johnson: Newton's balls
Robert C Johnson: Golden ratio
Robert C Johnson: Going for gold
Robert C Johnson: How long?
Robert C Johnson: Pi(e) day
Robert C Johnson: Women at work
Robert C Johnson: Bookshelf