john.reilly: Feeling pretty good about our house mint julep these days.
john.reilly: Current status
john.reilly: Current status
john.reilly: Feeling pretty good about this "making dinner" thing.
john.reilly: Friday cake might be the best cake.
john.reilly: Obligatory.
john.reilly: In season.
john.reilly: current status
john.reilly: Everything good starts with onions sautéd in butter.
john.reilly: Coffee Legs
john.reilly: Coffee, Bar.
john.reilly: There's a Surly in there, I swear!
john.reilly: Boxes.
john.reilly: #minnedemo.
john.reilly: Main screen turn on!
john.reilly: Movie night.
john.reilly: Cookies in progress...
john.reilly: Mackinley
john.reilly: Get Back Loretta!
john.reilly: iPad dev...
john.reilly: Top secret project hackfest
john.reilly: Warming up
john.reilly: current status
john.reilly: Thanksgiving Army!