artbeco: Riley cut his hair again.
SecretSushi: Building a bear. Actually a dog.
John Sloan: Physician Attacked by Giant Broccoli
kozyndan: "A Happy Day On A Dying Sea" detail
kozyndan: "A Happy Day On A Dying Sea" detail
firecatstef: Taiko drumming
firecatstef: Taiko drum building and playing
lemonkey: IMG_8819
ttnk: Maker Faire 2011
ttnk: Maker Faire 2011
Kiet Callies: McKenzie Playing Taiko Drums
kightp: Faerieworlds - Family Day
ccprince: Caught!
DocChewbacca: Stormtroopers 365: Behind the scenes...
DocChewbacca: The M&M's Painter
Ifics: Westercon/ConChord 2010
Kevin Standlee: Camp18-6067
wu_135: taiko
akashayi: Stretching hide
batalbot: IMG_0849
batalbot: IMG_0847
jeepnjeffy: DSC_0132
deebeedee: Taiko Drums