sween: Every year I draw a picture for Beth on her birthday. This is this year’s — I call it “The Scent of Lilacs with Just a Hint of Imminent Violence”. (It’s a working title.) My wife loves lilacs and they always come out around her birthday. So for the first
sween: "The Newfie and the Sea Monster" It's my wife's birthday, and thus I have drawn her another picture. I wanted to celebrate her Newfoundland heritage (hence the rowboat), but I also wanted to celebrate how we work as a family. She has her eyes on the big p
sween: Finally.
sween: Current status.
sween: Every year I draw a picture for my wife for her birthday. This is "Pandemic Island". We may have been stuck on our little island for over a year, surrounded by creatures out to kill us and trapped with a creature that may kill us out of sheer enthusiasm,
splorp: Original MessagePad: Pen Calibration
splorp: Original MessagePad: Extras Drawer
sween: Photo
sween: Physical Distancing: Duck Edition
sween: “I’m helping.”
sween: Kitten’s first snow.
sween: “I’m a manifestation of chaos!”
sween: This morning didn’t suck.
sween: Jasper Aloysius Hefferton Sweeney 2001-2018 Goodbye, sweet boy. We love you.
Nicole Lee: Me and my friend #tbt
Ape Lad: I thought it would be a good idea to re-draw the 1984 Fantastic Four poster by John Byrne.
Neven Mrgan: Japanese curry with pork katsu
sween: Aaaaaaand she’s out.
Nicole Lee: I’m so happy right now
Ape Lad: vote for this in spite of the silly title I chose...
Ape Lad: Let Freedom Ring
Jeff Carlson: Mothers Day dinner at Salish Lodge and sunset painting the rocks at Snoqualmie Falls
splorp: Macintosh
roughnightforlulu: Mississippi
Mike Monteiro: Hank paying me exactly as much attention as I deserve.
Mike Monteiro: A chance to be kind.
gruber: Steak
gruber: Steak