John Moltz: He may be slow, but he's in front of me!
John Moltz: Found the manual for my first cell phone
John Moltz: "Mornin', Earl." "Mornin', Ted."
John Moltz: View from the office 2
John Moltz: Worst. Apple Store. Ever.
John Moltz: "Buddha weeps at how you've commercialized him."
John Moltz: Top drawer
John Moltz: The deck, view northwest
John Moltz: Seen on the Five
John Moltz: View from the office 4
John Moltz: Bridge
John Moltz: 4th of July Eve
John Moltz: Contents
John Moltz: My Thursday morning desk
John Moltz: Viper, Mark I
John Moltz: Stop: workspace photo time
John Moltz: Wheeee!
John Moltz: School lunch
John Moltz: Morning fog from my desk
John Moltz: Ancient
John Moltz: I think this spider is flipping me off
John Moltz: Taking a picture of my boobs for TJ
John Moltz: Old soldier
John Moltz: NERRRRRD!
John Moltz: Just waiting for the elevator full of blood to open
John Moltz: Bacon Boy
John Moltz: Smith-Corona
John Moltz: Hey, I think I'll go out on the deckAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
John Moltz: Manchild