JohnMawer: The flag tower (Cot Co). Three squat brick terraces built in 1807.
JohnMawer: Ngan Gate
JohnMawer: Ngo Mon Gate and the Flag Tower
JohnMawer: Sacred canons
JohnMawer: Five Phoenix Watchtower
JohnMawer: Throne
JohnMawer: Five Phoenix Watchtower
JohnMawer: Ngo Mon Gate
JohnMawer: Ngo Mon Gate
JohnMawer: Ornate gate in the citadel Hue
JohnMawer: Some of the nine Dynastic Urns at The Mieu Temple
JohnMawer: One of the nine Dynastic Urns at The Mieu Temple
JohnMawer: Tuan Luet Mon drum gate
JohnMawer: Hiem Lam Cac
JohnMawer: Chuong Duc gate
JohnMawer: Gate at Hung Mieu Temple
JohnMawer: Map showing original extent of the citadel
JohnMawer: Mosaic
JohnMawer: One of the great gates not yet restored.
JohnMawer: Local tourists dressed up in traditional attire
JohnMawer: Serpent commonly displayed on buildings
JohnMawer: Dong Ba Gate
JohnMawer: Rickshaw friver
JohnMawer: Rickshaw driver
JohnMawer: Thien Mieu pagoda
JohnMawer: Thien Mieu pagoda
JohnMawer: Thien Mieu pagoda
JohnMawer: Thien Mieu pagoda
JohnMawer: Perfume River, Hue
JohnMawer: Truong Tien Bridge