JohnMawer: Amenhotep lll and Horus
JohnMawer: Reliefs of Ramses II, Ptah and Sekhmet.
JohnMawer: The Great Egyptian Museum (GEM)
JohnMawer: A couple?
JohnMawer: Priest Amun
JohnMawer: The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM)
JohnMawer: Middle kingdom jewellery
JohnMawer: Model boat from a tomb
JohnMawer: Model boat from a tomb
JohnMawer: Kneeling statue of Ramses (lV?) offering wine
JohnMawer: King Amenemhat III
JohnMawer: Bass relief, two women
JohnMawer: The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM)
JohnMawer: The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM)
JohnMawer: The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM)
JohnMawer: Gilded Ushabti statues
JohnMawer: Traditional historic clothing of affluent women Egyptians
JohnMawer: Pectoral of Amenemhat III
JohnMawer: Jewellery of Pricess Neferuptah
JohnMawer: Jewellery of Pricess Neferuptah
JohnMawer: Hieroglyphics in stone
JohnMawer: Sennedjem's tomb Canopic Box
JohnMawer: Grinding corn
JohnMawer: Protective goddesses from the tomb of Amenhotep II
JohnMawer: Protective goddess Meretseger
JohnMawer: Door panel from the outer coffin of Sennedjem
JohnMawer: Funeral masks for wealthy Egyptians
JohnMawer: Mahmal from King Farouk
JohnMawer: Dome found in archeological site Baouweet
JohnMawer: Roman mosiac