JohnMawer: Gutting fish
JohnMawer: Local transport on shore of Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
JohnMawer: Pelican
JohnMawer: Birds removing ticks from grateful cow
JohnMawer: Birds fleeing as the cow enters the water.
JohnMawer: Egyptian Goose
JohnMawer: Marabou Stork
JohnMawer: Sacred Ibis
JohnMawer: Marabou Storks
JohnMawer: Church in Ziway
JohnMawer: Church service in Ziway
JohnMawer: Ziway
JohnMawer: Lake Ziway
JohnMawer: Pony and trap driver with girlfriend
JohnMawer: Pony and trap driver and girlfriend
JohnMawer: Local transport in the nearly town of Butajira