JohnMawer: Shopkeeper near Ushguli in the Caucasus Mountains
JohnMawer: Shopkeeper
JohnMawer: Village near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Village near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Village near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Derelict home
JohnMawer: Village of Chazhashi near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Pigs expecting to be fed
JohnMawer: Village near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Village of Chazhashi near Ushguli
JohnMawer: Man from the working agricultural village. Ushguli itself seems to employ more people in the tourist trade than in agriculture.
JohnMawer: Man from the working agricultural village. Ushguli itself seems to employ more people in the tourist trade than in agriculture.
JohnMawer: Local farmers
JohnMawer: Local farmer's wife - Ushguli
JohnMawer: View of Ushguli from down river.
JohnMawer: The setting of Ushguli
JohnMawer: Ushguli
JohnMawer: Building a barn outside Ushguli
JohnMawer: Building a barn outside Ushguli
JohnMawer: Building a barn outside Ushguli
JohnMawer: Building a barn outside Ushguli
JohnMawer: Ushguli
JohnMawer: Ushguli and local transport
JohnMawer: Ushguli - local building.
JohnMawer: Ushguli
JohnMawer: Ushguli
JohnMawer: towers at Ushguli
JohnMawer: Soviet era truck
JohnMawer: Derelict houses in Ushguli
JohnMawer: Derelict houses in Ushguli ...and a sledge.