JohnMawer: Assi Ghat Varanasi
JohnMawer: Ceremony prior to launch of newly made boat
JohnMawer: Boat launching
JohnMawer: Boat launching
JohnMawer: Alleyway obstruction!
JohnMawer: Interesting colours in Varanassi builing
JohnMawer: Snake Charmer
JohnMawer: Part of intricate architecture on the Ghats
JohnMawer: Complex ceremony
JohnMawer: Classic Mohgal style architiecture
JohnMawer: Gentleman on the Ghats
JohnMawer: Clothes washing
JohnMawer: Drying the sheets and just sitting
JohnMawer: Holy man
JohnMawer: Just sitting around
JohnMawer: The ghats
JohnMawer: The ghats the holy city of Varanassi - India
JohnMawer: Laying out the washing
JohnMawer: Washing on the ghats Varanasi
JohnMawer: Washing on the line
JohnMawer: The ghats Varanssi
JohnMawer: Preparing offerings to the holy Ganga
JohnMawer: Happy for a photo
JohnMawer: Gathering of wise men
JohnMawer: Moghul style buidings
JohnMawer: Boat building
JohnMawer: Temples and shrines in the area of the burning ghats
JohnMawer: Moghul style buidings
JohnMawer: Extraordinary brightly coloured shrine
JohnMawer: Mini market