Gaetan Bois: France - Rennes - Champ Jacquet Street
Roger Daigle: Saw-Whet Owl
Roger Daigle: Purple Gallinule
Roger Daigle: Into the Light
Roger Daigle: St. Lawrence River
liangagus: Carbide Willson Ruins Fall colour
Roger Daigle: Lemoine Point
Roger Daigle: Snow Sculpture
Roger Daigle: Ault Creek
Roger Daigle: Enchanted Forest
Gaetan Bois: Québec - Ville de Québec - Petit Champlain
Roger Daigle: Isolation
A Costigan: A rainy night in Bordeaux
A Costigan: Foggy colours
Roger Daigle: Wintry Day
christiandumont: narrow streets of old Paris
A Costigan: Not your ordinary cinema
federicabassi: After the rain.
Orion 2: Evening
lastech: _MG_7100
tronik0: Light And Shadow
Roger Daigle: A Fine Pair
Roger Daigle: The Gate
medwar804: Fan Alley
twurdemann: fish tug, batchawana bay, ontario
Roger Daigle: Snow Geese
Roger Daigle: Great Grey Owl
Roger Daigle: The Wall
Roger Daigle: Trees B&W