johnstewartnz: 20221210_6410_7D2-200 Jarli the Barn Owl (344/365) Серфер
Stackman1: Wallingford Fireworks
Joe Milham: Chaser
Joe Milham: Nuthatch
Joe Milham: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Joe Milham: Kingfisher.
Joe Milham: Gold Finch
Bruno Conjeaud: Jaguar swimming (my definitive fantasy for this travel) in Pantanal (9)
Emma Varley: 'impressions of the beach' for macro mondays 'side lighting'
Emma Varley: still beautiful
Emma Varley: goldfinch
Joe Milham: YMCA Grey Wagtail
Joe Milham: Woodpecker.
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
shontz photography: something old - something new
Emma Varley: icy landscape
Joe Milham: Pheasant
Joe Milham: Nuthatch
Emma Varley: drip drop
Joe Milham: Balcombe Viaduct.
Joe Milham: Balcombe Viaduct
Joe Milham: You Looking At Me !!
Joe Milham: Lowry Zoo Florida
Joe Milham: Lowry Zoo Florida
Joe Milham: Arundel Wetlands