john dyble: Alanine and glutamine crystals growing B1
john dyble: Vitamin C rystals A4
john dyble: Alanine and glucosamine crystals D 20
john dyble: Clematis rear B
john dyble: Clematis centre C
john dyble: Blue potato bush - Lycianthes cantonelli B
john dyble: Aquilegia - Columbine E
john dyble: Pink begonia centre 1A
john dyble: Begonia centre 2
john dyble: Prunus lusitanica UV light
john dyble: Prunus lusitanica L2.
john dyble: Prunus lusitanica 4
john dyble: img_002 C
john dyble: Straw 24 C
john dyble: img_017 proc
john dyble: img_027
john dyble: img_010
john dyble: Red and yellow ranunculus B
john dyble: img_036
john dyble: img_045
john dyble: img_004
john dyble: Red and yellow ranunculus A
john dyble: Red - yellow parrot tulip B
john dyble: yellow ranunculus K
john dyble: yellow Ranunculus E
john dyble: Ranunculus Center B
john dyble: Ranunculus yellow A
john dyble: blue-eyed darner dragonfly A
john dyble: Backlit begonia B
john dyble: Backlit begonia C