john dyble: Red and yellow ranunculus A
john dyble: Red - yellow parrot tulip B
john dyble: yellow ranunculus K
john dyble: yellow Ranunculus E
john dyble: Ranunculus Center B
john dyble: Ranunculus yellow A
john dyble: blue-eyed darner dragonfly A
john dyble: Backlit begonia B
john dyble: Backlit begonia C
john dyble: Alanine - Glucosamine crystals X20
john dyble: Alanine - Glucosamine crystals mag. 10
john dyble: Deutzia 'Hybrida, strawberry fields'
john dyble: Asian lilly orange 5
john dyble: False Spirea mag-2.4
john dyble: Chicory 5
john dyble: Ammi Majus A
john dyble: Gerbera centre
john dyble: White begonia with back lighting
john dyble: Salvia (hotlips) sage
john dyble: Tanacetum coccineum B
john dyble: Sarbarice sorbfolia, False spiraea
john dyble: Parrot tulip C
john dyble: Prosopocoillus occiptalis female D
john dyble: Cyphogastra calepyga underside
john dyble: Chrusachroa aurora
john dyble: Calliphara caeser B
john dyble: Ischiopsopha celebensis B
john dyble: Casmodela arulenta B
john dyble: Pyrops hamadjahi
john dyble: Artpocyrtus sp#1