The Library of Congress: Not an Ostrich (but what is it??) (LOC)
z.borsos: 02632 famous last words
Amazaday: Comfort.
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: The Polar Night Nitric Oxide Experiment
jujubored: 000025
Britt Grimm: watching stardust turn into loved ones turning into stardust, turning...
photosbylag: Great Blue Heron and Dinner
photosbylag: All lined Up No Place to Go
antglass: Made Ya Look
ian liberry: ROOM FOR TWO
The Library of Congress: Kreisler (LOC)
eskayfoto: 85/100x - Harvest Moon
timelapsephotos: NIK201609160930.jpg
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Peers into the Storm
▲B▼: thanksgiving at the farm
▲B▼: Sneak Away to the Philippines
▲B▼: Sneak Away to the Philippines
▲B▼: Sneak Away to the Philippines
▲B▼: Sneak Away to the Philippines
▲B▼: Sneak Away to the Philippines
Youler600: Reclaimed Negative - Fuji FP100-C45