joel_strong: northern parula after a bath
joel_strong: Fisher, Raeni, and Grandma Leni at Strawberry Festival
joel_strong: Great blue heron with armored catfish
joel_strong: indigo bunting
joel_strong: Fisher and Grandma Leni on boardwalk
joel_strong: Fisher
joel_strong: young American alligator basking
joel_strong: common gallinule
joel_strong: glossy ibis
joel_strong: young American alligator basking
joel_strong: limpkin
joel_strong: Fisher feeding the birds at Lake Morton
joel_strong: feeding the birds
joel_strong: feeding the swan
joel_strong: feeding the swan
joel_strong: mute swan
joel_strong: Mirabelle feeding the swan
joel_strong: Fisher feeding the American coots
joel_strong: ring-necked duck
joel_strong: Mirabelle with the birds at Lake Morton
joel_strong: feeding the birds
joel_strong: Fisher talking to the white ibises
joel_strong: Mirabelle feeding the Muscovy duck...with her mouth
joel_strong: great horned owls - owlets
joel_strong: herring gull
joel_strong: ring-billed gull
joel_strong: morning stretch - American oystercatcher
joel_strong: dune mates
joel_strong: American oystercatcher
joel_strong: marbled godwit