joel_strong: Horned Grebe
joel_strong: Long-tailed Duck
joel_strong: Long-tailed Duck
joel_strong: Herring Gull (left) and Great Black-backed Gull (right)
joel_strong: Long-tailed Duck
joel_strong: Long-tailed Duck
joel_strong: Great Black-backed Gull
joel_strong: Great Black-backed Gull; Herring Gull; Ring-billed Gull
joel_strong: Great Black-backed Gull; Herring Gull; Ring-billed Gull
joel_strong: Chipping Sparrow
joel_strong: Common Yellowthroat (male)
joel_strong: Palm Warbler
joel_strong: Mourning Dove
joel_strong: American Kestrel (male)
joel_strong: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
joel_strong: Grasshopper Sparrow
joel_strong: Prairie Warbler (male)
joel_strong: House Wren
joel_strong: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
joel_strong: Ring-billed Gull
joel_strong: Gray Catbird
joel_strong: Cooper's Hawk
joel_strong: yellow-bellied sapsucker
joel_strong: wood duck - male
joel_strong: white-crowned sparrow
joel_strong: snow goose and Ross's goose
joel_strong: snow goose and Ross's goose
joel_strong: snow goose and Ross's goose
joel_strong: mallard - male
joel_strong: Harris's sparrow - adults and 1st winter