joel_strong: blue-gray gnatcatcher
joel_strong: green heron
joel_strong: black-bellied whistling duck
joel_strong: gray squirrel
joel_strong: ruddy duck
joel_strong: herring gull
joel_strong: black-bellied plover
joel_strong: house finch
joel_strong: Vesper sparrow
joel_strong: eastern meadowlark
joel_strong: American alligator with baby
joel_strong: American avocet
joel_strong: stilt sandpiper (left) and long-billed dowitcher (right)
joel_strong: osprey
joel_strong: black skimmer
joel_strong: dunlin
joel_strong: marbled godwit (left) and bar-tailed godwit (right)
joel_strong: cedar waxwings
joel_strong: blue-headed vireo
joel_strong: greater yellowlegs
joel_strong: lesser yellowlegs (left) and greater yellowlegs (right)
joel_strong: lesser yellowlegs
joel_strong: little blue heron
joel_strong: yellow-rumped warbler
joel_strong: raccoon
joel_strong: bald eagle
joel_strong: savannah sparrow
joel_strong: cattle egret
joel_strong: bar-tailed godwit
joel_strong: Skewered