#swingen35photog: Bought lunch today at an old trusty favorite
#swingen35photog: Las Vegas
@DrGarcia: #sachat #highered #assessment
doreami93: DSCF2607
NASAKennedy: KSC-2015-1884
NASAKennedy: KSC-2015-1277
ryanredward: DSCF0611
ryanredward: DSCF1013
ryanredward: DSCF0972
ryanredward: DSCF0889
ryanredward: DSCF0760
ryanredward: DSCF0655
ryanredward: DSCF0637
Kit4na: All done
@DrGarcia: Freedom #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc972
giulia.forsythe: Don't let corporations & special interest groups ruin our Internet
@DrGarcia: I am here. At least I have Sour Patch Straws. #POVpic #SOL11
@DrGarcia: #POVpic en la biblioteca (best stitch yet, thanks for the pivot tip @jbb! not @dlnorman)
@DrGarcia: #POVme wack shadow