liquidSchwartz: So that's what happened to Katie Meiners
giddygirlie: Phineas Hitchhiking Ghost Plush
stitchFIGHT: Shaun of the Dead
Zhad_Squad: Sugar Skull Embroidery (close up)
Zhad_Squad: Nibbler from Futurama (detail)
giddygirlie: sweet dreams
giddygirlie: shark close-up
giddygirlie: jack-o-lantern, based on vintage clipart
C J Rydell: downtown
Aleximo: Makar and Oak leaf mini cross stitch
Aleximo: Totoro Cross Stitch
crafty & devious: gigawatts
ruby0042: Fuck Off2
ruby0042: Mimilove2
ruby0042: Made for Phat Quarter Swap.
ruby0042: Cream Pie
ruby0042: Gotta love Willie!
krupp: fair stitchin'
UpShempCreek: Kedra's Owl
beefranck: Still not quite everything
jessicakelly: white on paper #2 - bottom detail
jessicakelly: Hydrangeas
jessicakelly: what's the dill?
jessicakelly: white on paper #3
jessicakelly: blue experiment
beefranck: Renegade Handmade
Frau Shizzle: Crest With Skull