jodola: Margaritas and guacamole with Mom
jodola: Deborah Watling admires my button with a photo of her Doctor, Patrick Troughton, who also happens to be my favorite
jodola: Anneke Wills and Frazer Hines inspect the signatures on my TARDIS tin #chicagotardis2016
jodola: Monkey came with me to the Doctor Who convention. We're going to get the TARDIS tin signed by several of the guests today. #liwho4
jodola: Day 3 of this headache, still feeling heartbroken and in shock, but dammit, I'm going to have a great time on this trip! Heading to a Doctor Who convention in NY to meet Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Paul McGann! Here's my cat-on-the-suitcase photo. :bl
jodola: I was handed a free cookie on my way to the bank this morning. Happy and safe Cubs Parade & Rally, everyone! I'll be at work enjoying my cookie.
jodola: Nik & Dalek
jodola: My balcony spider is repairing her web after this afternoon's storm.
jodola: Nik covering his eyes
jodola: Doctor Who Villains, Monsters, & Aliens by Wee Little Stitches, completed 6/9/15
jodola: The Doctors designed by Wee Little Stitches, completed 3/21/15
jodola: I love those green eyes
jodola: I'm about halfway done...
jodola: Feet!
jodola: Couch time with my little girl
jodola: Nik watching the "Dear Kitten" ad
jodola: Cool cloud formation on my commute this morning.
jodola: Nik is helping me put together my new IKEA shelving unit.
jodola: Happy Independence Day, America!
jodola: Happy 12th Birthday to my sweet little girl!
jodola: Dearborn Street bridge is closed
jodola: Same view of the city from Lake Shore Drive as on Tuesday, with added fog.
jodola: View of approaching storm from Lake Shore Drive
jodola: Nikolai & pillow
jodola: Upside-down Natasha
jodola: Monkey flying home
jodola: Monkey having a Guinness
jodola: Monkey at Supermac's
jodola: Monkey at the Cliffs of Moher
jodola: Monkey at the Cliffs of Moher