DrGkill: Juli'eye
Sharleen Chao: Above Clouds 浮雲の上に富士山
spiraldelight: Bloated Capitalism
Brent McGuirt Photography: Bear Rocks and Beyond
Kees Smans: Amsterdam
rootswalker: The Deck
Mark Southgate: Pipe @ dusk
Weeman76: H U T S
1982Chris911 (Thank you 5.500.000 Times): Along the River Arno in Florence
 David.Keochkerian : Enchanted castle
gregor H: "Yeah, I'm walking,"
images through a lens: It will soon be that time of year
martin zalba: Midi D'Ossau in red
Beboy_photographies: Conciergerie, Paris
Weeman76: T E T R A P O D S
Paul C Stokes: Fourteen and a Half
 David.Keochkerian : the lighthouse of heaven II
James Brew (www.jamesbrew.com): Supernova (www.jamesbrew.com)
DPGold Photos: The Hay Glows
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: So many nights and days have passed,
Robin Black Photography: Autumn Sunset, Sabrina Basin (Eastern Sierra Nevada)
Jack Coghlan: B y r o n L i g h t.
[Adam Baker]: sunset from sunset
Vesa Pihanurmi: Sea Impressions VI (The Fog)