jodigreen: Four colour screenprint by our Spring 2016 co-op student Aiyana.
jodigreen: RIOTS NOT DIETS broadsides by Levigator Press.
jodigreen: A skirt I'm working on.
jodigreen: Crappy toe-up afterthought heel (left) being reknit into lovely top-down half handkerchief heel.
jodigreen: Saved chocolate bar wrapper found tucked in my childhood encyclopaedias.
jodigreen: We knocked on a stranger's hotel door at Dragon Con and when they opened it, they saw this.
jodigreen: Beautiful new colours of bookbinding thread.
jodigreen: Our fall 2016 co-op student Karla working on a screenprint.
jodigreen: Letterpress poster workshop at Levigator Press with a class from the University of Windsor.
jodigreen: Letterpress cards by Levigator Press.
jodigreen: The "i" in this typeface is my everything.
jodigreen: Leather wrap journal by Levigator Press.
jodigreen: Up The Mesh Count exhibition at Artspeak Gallery.
jodigreen: Letterpress postcards by Levigator Press.
jodigreen: Up The Mesh Count exhibition at Artspeak Gallery.
jodigreen: Lockup on the new C&P Pilot.
jodigreen: Up The Mesh Count exhibition at Artspeak Gallery.
jodigreen: Tea towels in progress in the studio.
jodigreen: Somebody left me a message in the jenga tiles.
jodigreen: tiger pillow
jodigreen: face keeps getting bigger
jodigreen: snowflakes inside and outside the shop window
jodigreen: Our 2016 colouring calendar is here! Get it in our studio.
jodigreen: custom binding with veggie tan leather
jodigreen: block printed decorative papers
jodigreen: levigator press studio
jodigreen: shawarma broadside, letterpress
jodigreen: rat king broadside: block detail
jodigreen: rat king broadside
jodigreen: rat king broadside