John(ny) D:
Just hanging with my pals... #spongebobsquarepants #nickelodeon #theyrereal
John(ny) D:
SFO getting into the spirit. #sanfranciscogiants #sanfranciscointernationalairport #baseball #sf #orangeandblack #gamesevenletsgo
John(ny) D:
John(ny) D:
My other orange and black team. #orioles #baltimore #mlb #postseason #baseball #nattyboh #beer #nationalbohemian #couldntenjoythisadultbeveragelasttimetheorioleswereintheplayoffs
John(ny) D:
Ryan and Beau discuss the finer points of chicken and waffles #siggraph #thestandard
John(ny) D:
Shotgun SIGGRAPH Party #siggraph #shotgunsoftware #la #villainstavern
John(ny) D:
Rooftop Biergarten #thestandardhotel #beer #ben
John(ny) D:
John(ny) D:
#21stamendment #giants #sf #ca
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#giants #sf #ca #baseball #game3
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#giants #sanfrancisco #ca #at&tpark
John(ny) D:
#esperpento #sf #ca #shrimp #besttapasaround
John(ny) D:
#sushizone #sf #ca #amazingmindblowingbakedbass
John(ny) D:
#sfo #ca #airport #airplane #latenightpickup
John(ny) D:
Happy birthday, USA! #fairfax #ca #california #baconwrappedhotdogs #whoeversaidbaconwasunpatriotic?
John(ny) D:
Headed down to the city... #sf #sanfrancisco #ca #ferry #ferrybuilding #isthatanebulaopeningoversf?
John(ny) D:
Along the hiking trail... #bluegrassfestival #colorado #telluride #rockstacking #1055feetupthemontain
John(ny) D:
Halos over Tahoe #laketahoe #ca #nv #sunhalo #skywriter #bluestwaterever
John(ny) D:
Postcard views #telluride #colorado #bluegrassfestival #seriouslyprettyviews
John(ny) D:
#md #b&orailroadmuseum #trains #b&w #baltimore
John(ny) D:
Shotgun SF office farewell #sf #beer #erdinger #weibier #sausagefest
John(ny) D:
Picked up something while dropping off other things at Goodwill... #super8 #ca #goodwill #camera #somint
John(ny) D:
#ca #cat #trees #woods #green #thisisseriouslytheviewoutsideourfrontdoor
John(ny) D:
#fairfax #theater #theavengers #neon #oldschool
John(ny) D:
#ca #fairfax #solareclipse #arethosejellyfishonthatgaragedoor?
John(ny) D:
That means they only eat vegetables, but for you, I think they'd make an exception. #sf #backyarddinosaurs #jurassicpark #youbreedraptors?
John(ny) D:
The Novato Costco Shopping Cart Experience #ca #novato #costco #sunset #bulkmeat
John(ny) D:
Golden days of IMD #ca #imd #snl #fatherguidosarduccireturns
John(ny) D:
That time of the year... #21stammendmentbrewery #hellorhighwatermellon #beer #sf
John(ny) D:
#adium #sanfranciso #sf #sittinginthedarklisteningtosoundaisntthatweirdisit?