Roger B.: Ecclesall Woods
Roger B.: Swaithe Flood Meadows LWS
Roger B.: Rabbit Ings
j.a.sanderson: Seaside daisies - Erigeron glaucus - Growing from the wall of my drive.
Quetzalcoatl002: Hoorn-17
Kez West: Wings and webs, HWW
Kez West: "Do ya mind if I join ya ?"
Kevcam16: Ring Ouzel
Palixa And The Bricks: LEGO Modular Building: Main Post Office
Palixa And The Bricks: LEGO Modular Building: Main Post Office
lauraknosp: freehand embroidery book
lauraknosp: freehand embroidery book
Lynn_EL: Dill #unaodd #inthegarden #dill #umbel
ishandchi: Robert's Bedroom Update
Kevcam16: Hobby
PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast: #miniature tomatoes sculpted from #polymerclay Concerning my last post about my doubts, thank you so much for all the kind words! It actually helped me tackle that tomato cane 😊 I believe doubts come with the job, and I usually fight them off alone.
Lego Junkie.: Portal: Still Alive, Wheatley!
Kevcam16: Hobby
Kevcam16: Little Egret
Kevcam16: Night Heron
Ian Redding: Thrift (Almeria maritima)
Lego Junkie.: Clue Story Tower.
Kevcam16: Firecrest
Kevcam16: Robin (in song)
Alan MacKenzie: Starling Murmuration
Lynn_EL: Frost and Thaw #unaodd #winter #frost
Lynn_EL: Frost on Car Hood #unaodd #frost #winter
Orson's World: cut unframed
Enkhe Tserenbadam: Pangolin tail bracelet
Steve Balcombe: Great crested grebe with bream