juanita: cousins
juanita: funny face
juanita: happy face
juanita: cousins
juanita: irina, jeffrey, niko & luxi
juanita: sushi
juanita: not sure what kind of story jeffrey is telling
juanita: bamboo shoots
juanita: garlic crab
juanita: cheers!
juanita: taking photos
juanita: taking photos
juanita: ferris wheel not living up
juanita: view from the wheel
juanita: tired
juanita: tea with jeffrey
juanita: not too proud to finish off the wine before going through security
juanita: music and Chia Te pinapple pastries
juanita: upgraded to paper cups
juanita: niko's camera face
juanita: Cheers!
juanita: the jeffrey series
juanita: the jeffrey series
juanita: kevin making fun of me
juanita: me and kevin
juanita: the jeffrey series
juanita: the jeffrey series
juanita: the jeffrey series
juanita: the jeffrey series