juanita: my old man asleep
juanita: niko's birthday guest list
juanita: luxi at the lake
juanita: Kevin enjoying a chelada.
juanita: So apparently Taiwanese refer to the blocky white part of a macbook's power cord as "tofu."
juanita: cd reflectors
juanita: cd reflectors
juanita: 3 person bike
juanita: 3 person bike
juanita: strange butterfly
juanita: sad
juanita: aftermath
juanita: tea towel
juanita: purple yam mochi
juanita: purple yam mochi
juanita: tea service
juanita: shameful display of people dancing on the bar
juanita: no loud noise
juanita: paper cut-outs
juanita: i love me a room of bookcases...
juanita: dream house
juanita: nara
juanita: nara closet doors made for the dream house
juanita: outdoor speakers
juanita: just insert your iphone here
juanita: white rabbits!
juanita: underworld