Joseph Maddon: Stranger 1/100
*L: tomilho ao meio
view [ + ] finder: The Palm House, Allan Gardens
view [ + ] finder: Converging paths - High Park, Toronto
Product of Newfoundland: Western Brook Pond
The Nature Nook: " May I Help You ? "
photo fiddler: Digitalis Eye
photo fiddler: Inside a Rhodo World
photo fiddler: Curve Appeal
photo fiddler: Chivin'
Robin L. Sharp: Careless
zen: tree puddle
Gavatron: Down the hatch
Gavatron: "Killdeer!"
Gavatron: Cedar Waxwing & Buckthorn
paulie~: 434 073a
debzeppelin: DSC00183
Gavatron: Winter's scaup
Gavatron: Yorkville, 16-Feb-09
paulie~: 427 027a
paulie~: 427 044a
photo fiddler: Waiting Out the Winter
photo fiddler: The Joy of Winter
paulie~: 393 100a
paulie~: 393 165a
Peter Szawlowski: Looking North
The Nature Nook: European Starling in Winter