jon.hayes: cicada
jon.hayes: cicada
jon.hayes: cicada
jon.hayes: spider
jon.hayes: lady bug
jon.hayes: ant shadow
jon.hayes: mosquito (and my blood)
jon.hayes: mosquito
jon.hayes: mosquito
jon.hayes: imperial moth caterpillar
jon.hayes: bee
jon.hayes: wood satyr
jon.hayes: Little Wood Satyr
jon.hayes: bark beetle gallery
jon.hayes: dogbane beetle
jon.hayes: monarch caterpillar
jon.hayes: little wood satyr
jon.hayes: first ladybug of the season
jon.hayes: hobomok skipper
jon.hayes: silvery blue butterfly
jon.hayes: eastern forktail
jon.hayes: bob
jon.hayes: wood nymph
jon.hayes: 12 spotted skimmer
jon.hayes: skipper moth
jon.hayes: comma butterfly
jon.hayes: Gall (broken into)
jon.hayes: Galls
jon.hayes: Galls
jon.hayes: Galls