jon.hayes: erratic
jon.hayes: in the red
jon.hayes: waterfall
jon.hayes: atop Red Head
jon.hayes: water fall, oh waterfall
jon.hayes: painted the sky
jon.hayes: in colour again
jon.hayes: a geology class came down here last week on a field trip
jon.hayes: erin and our laundry
jon.hayes: Erratics on the Beamer in the Fog
jon.hayes: rain's comin
jon.hayes: Red Head from a military bunker
jon.hayes: Edward's Shed
jon.hayes: tree over beamer
jon.hayes: warmth
jon.hayes: heavy light sky crop
jon.hayes: shadow wave.
jon.hayes: passable
jon.hayes: a history
jon.hayes: ice outline
jon.hayes: the beach
jon.hayes: the school up at Flatrock
jon.hayes: shore
jon.hayes: icicles overlooking
jon.hayes: barbed wire
jon.hayes: ...and the light shall shine upon the Beamer
jon.hayes: couldn't wait
jon.hayes: windswept sky
jon.hayes: sunset
jon.hayes: shadow of the boulder