perepere66: Cantar-te tot allò que més agrada, poder-t'ho explicar amb una cançó. Petits plaers des nostre dia a dia, allò que em fa feliç i el fa ser jo...
pauluk1234 on and off: Winter time from the past
pauluk1234 on and off: Spinsters Rock 3500 -2500 BC north west Dartmoor
pauluk1234 on and off: Clevedon Pier
pauluk1234 on and off: Seaton Devon
pauluk1234 on and off: Wrest Park Silsoe
pauluk1234 on and off: Ascott Gardens
pauluk1234 on and off: Dyrham park Somerset
pauluk1234 on and off: Dorset south near Golden Cap
Edge 50025: IMG_20240511_150632_HDR~2
Edge 50025: IMG_20240519_200338_HDR~2
Edge 50025: IMG_20240608_091720_HDR
rubenss P: Happy Easter !
rubenss P: luce!
rubenss P: Lichtstimmung
ferdahejl: Paris_Quai d'Orsay_La Boudeuse_7e arrondissement
szeke: Saint Petersburg
thorvaala: As we pass by each other, our heads all full of bother
thorvaala: Sleight of hand
Fotourbana: Plou i fa sol
Fotourbana: Splash
Greg M Rohan: abstract windows
Greg M Rohan: daisies
Greg M Rohan: gone with the wind
Greg M Rohan: japanese costume