Jani-Lee: SUPER-B-OWL!
Jani-Lee: My First Waxwing! (2015) Isn't it thrilling how you discover what the world has to give when you look at life through a camera?
Jani-Lee: Gentle Ben. He had eyes that penetrated your soul.
Jani-Lee: Oh Deer
Jani-Lee: Have you ever been smitten with a tree and just had to stop to admire it?
Jani-Lee: Looking for Owls.
Jani-Lee: The world is changing all around her, but, she still maintains her dignity.
Jani-Lee: They have stayed together through many sunsets.
Jani-Lee: Worth The Effort!
Jani-Lee: Almost Finished
Jani-Lee: It was a feeding frenzy! This one got the best seat in the house - he just has to hang on for a few seconds more!
Jani-Lee: He didn't get this one.
Jani-Lee: A Wind Blown Short-Eared
Jani-Lee: For every Owl we have seen, we have driven by a hundred.
Jani-Lee: Number 17.
Jani-Lee: He was happy to join us for lunch.
Jani-Lee: Jack Frost has been very busy!
Jani-Lee: Just another winter day in Alberta.
Jani-Lee: Nothing else to do on a horrifically cold day except to make the most of it!
Jani-Lee: Through our window. Not sure how these precious souls can withstand the horrific cold! -60C tonight!
Jani-Lee: Walk with me to Narnia. Only the brave, or the foolhardy can enter, because the temperature tonight will be -60C!
Jani-Lee: The long road home.
Jani-Lee: The difference between my husband's perspective and mine is that I can see the beauty of the frosted trees - he only sees the Eagle at the top of the tree!
Jani-Lee: Stay warm - the Polar vortex is coming!
Jani-Lee: Frosty Frolic
Jani-Lee: My date with a Great Gray.
Jani-Lee: Valley Of Fog
Jani-Lee: The full moon gets a peek at the Golden Hour.
Jani-Lee: Up The Creek