Kevin Povenz: Bald Eagle.....
PhotoDocGVSU: Sunny Autumn Afternoon (09 24 2021)
PhotoDocGVSU: Sand Lake (09 26 2021)
PhotoDocGVSU: Colorful Contrasts (09 26 2021)
Kevin Povenz: Fireworks.....
PhotoDocGVSU: Colorful Abstractions (10 11 2020)
PhotoDocGVSU: Pencil Lake 2020 (10 11 2020)
Aaron Springer: New Dawn
PhotoDocGVSU: Tulip Time 1 (05 10 2019)
Portraying Life, LLC: Tight Landing Zone
CliffMuller: Boathouse
Kevin Povenz: Fred Symmes Chapel.....
Michigan Nut: Twilights Glow, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
PhotoDocGVSU: Take the plunge (04 18 2018)
Darts5: Suicide Mission (explore 4/17/18)
Kevin Povenz: Shooting through glass
Notkalvin: Fuego
~ CarLee Photography ~: Viewing Denali
Kevin Povenz: Chicago....
Len Langevin: Sunburst Shack
~ CarLee Photography ~: Dove Lake Boatshed
Kevin Povenz: Tahquamenon Falls in the afternoon.....
PhotoDocGVSU: Color Reflection (09 16 2017)
PhotoDocGVSU: September Fire (09 14 2017)
PhotoDocGVSU: Wall of Color (09 14 2017)