enenquack: Ellendale, North Dakota: 16 SEP'80
enenquack: west of Ellendale, North Dakota: 16 SEP'80
enenquack: Pine City, Minnesota, 13 SEP'83
KodaTom25: High Horsepower
revbry: SMRR at Corona, SD
Shoptonfan15: BN NW5 #990 - Minneapolis MN - June 5, 1982
Mike Vandenberg: Big Red and Heart Lake
Mike Vandenberg: Rock Mtys over the Missouri
steve55126: Headin' south on the old CGW
revbry: Nearly there
Mike Vandenberg: Golden OTV heading Home
railtalk: MRL 355 Bedford
Moffat Road: Canadian along Brule Lake
look4trains: Together Again
wccnds John Leopard: TCW 4302, Montevideo, Minnesota_
revbry: First SD70ACU at Henning
chief_huddleston: TCWR MNNR Turn, Minneapolis
steve55126: Praise to the Baptists!
STL Railfan 68: RRV&W GP38-3 # 4402 ( ex HLCX # 1053 , ex NYC, CR , KYLE ) W
Khang Lu: CP 5946- Rough waters
revbry: Another SD40-2 at Eden Valley
MM&M Kaden: CP GP38-2 by Macy
Mike Vandenberg: Plowing to Barnesville
revbry: BNSF ACe in the Snow, pt 2
railtalk: BNSF 940027
LaskoCVP: CP 5045 on the CPBN
rathman11: DME 1005 - CP 5028 - CP Plow Extra
revbry: Lake Benton boulder