JohnLucas1983: Posters at Occupy LSX
JohnLucas1983: A man takes a picture of posters outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Posters outside St. Paul's Cathedral
JohnLucas1983: An activist on the steps of St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Posters outside St. Paul's Occupy LSX
JohnLucas1983: An activist on the steps of St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: An activist at London OLSX
JohnLucas1983: Protester
JohnLucas1983: A man demonstrates his approval of a speaker at the foot of the Cathedral's steps
JohnLucas1983: A sign at Occupy LSX
JohnLucas1983: Trust Me, I'm a Banker
JohnLucas1983: A poster at the Occupy LSX camp
JohnLucas1983: A member of the public stops to read posters at Occupy LSX camp outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Part of the protest camp outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: View of part of the camp from St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Part of the Occupy LSX protest camp
JohnLucas1983: View of part of the camp from St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Waiting for a sign...
JohnLucas1983: Banksy Monopoly board at Occupy LSX
JohnLucas1983: Discount Tents
JohnLucas1983: A member of the public stops to look at the Occupy LSX camp
JohnLucas1983: Activists play roulette game outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Activists play roulette game outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Activists play roulette game outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Activists play roulette game outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Activists play roulette game outside St. Paul's
JohnLucas1983: Every Pensioner Should Have a Decent Pension
JohnLucas1983: march30
JohnLucas1983: march29
JohnLucas1983: march28