jlcummins: Bald eagle
jlcummins: Bald eagle after a fish
jlcummins: bald eagle
jlcummins: Bald eagle
jlcummins: Osprey
jlcummins: Osprey
jlcummins: Circling bald eagle about to capture a fish
jlcummins: Bald eagle discussing territorial bounaries with a red-tailed hawk
jlcummins: Look dad, I can fly
jlcummins: Another fly fishing trip
jlcummins: Bald eagle family
jlcummins: Fish for breakfast
jlcummins: Soring over the river
jlcummins: Nice trout for the kids
jlcummins: Fly fishing the Yakima River.
jlcummins: One of several fly fishing trips
jlcummins: Mom bring in more food
jlcummins: Another shot of mom bringing in the fawn deer carcass
jlcummins: Mom and the kids
jlcummins: Osprey pair at Rimrock Reservoir. There is a nest just out of the photo to the right.
jlcummins: Osprey showing off. "See me, I can stand on one foot."
jlcummins: IMG_2257 Eaglets and mom
jlcummins: Mom and dad at the nest
jlcummins: Bald eagle
jlcummins: Pair of eagles in their nest
jlcummins: Eagle at the nest
jlcummins: Eagle in flight
jlcummins: Eagle in flight
jlcummins: Bald eagle
jlcummins: Watching Dave