JLCK Creative: A real creole soup! The biggest copper pot I have ever been in! #tbt #trinidad
JLCK Creative: Such a great turn out at The Paper Show. Plenty art and music! Congrats @kbanfield122!!!
JLCK Creative: Flying high over the Magnificent 7. #trinidadandtobago #architecture #aerialphotography
JLCK Creative: Interior of Saint Joseph Convent. There was so many antique furniture I wanted!! #trinidadandtobago #architecture #caribbean #furniture
JLCK Creative: Saint Joseph chapel in San Fernando. Got to see the empty interior of the building today. #architecture #trinidadandtobago
JLCK Creative: Exploring the gutted interior of San Fernando old police station. #abandoned #caribbean #architecture #trinidadandtobago
JLCK Creative: In Brasso Seco today! Thank you Bunty and Rory for a great day full of adventure and talks about pottery!
JLCK Creative: Proud to have been included in the Surmise photography series by Lola Flash. Safe travels @flash9 and thanks for the stories!
JLCK Creative: Thoroughly enjoyed reading "After the Leap" by Melanie Archer. The underwater images captured by Nadia Huggins shows us the boundaries of our human experience with the sea and its liberation. Read the article in this months Caribbean Beat magazine. @nadia
JLCK Creative: A child of shopkeepers, been doing this since I was five. #tbt
JLCK Creative: Please do no enter! Beware of killer #pigeon! #urbanexploration #trinidad #demolition #abandoned #caribbean
JLCK Creative: Exploring the inner cavern of 46 Warren Street, Woodbrook.
JLCK Creative: Enjoying the scent of #vetiver soap and roots made by Jonathan Barcant. #supportlocal
JLCK Creative: Here is my latest post about "Saving Briarend House" home of Audrey Layne Jeffers. The first female to be elected to the Legislative Council in Port of Spain and the founder of the Coterie of Social Workers on Trinidad and Tobago. To read more, go to www.
JLCK Creative: In an urgent need of a VHS player to view these tapes. If you have one please let me know.
JLCK Creative: The ever diligent photographer at work. @nadiahuggins
JLCK Creative: Someone is feeling a lil down as the party done. @vasquezlaroche
JLCK Creative: Sorry #party done 😞. The end of the (S)how with Nicolai Noel, Alicia Milne, Tamara Tam Cruickshank, Jaime Lee Loy and Luis Vasquez La Roche.
JLCK Creative: Oh these crazy artists and their antics at closing party of (S)how.
JLCK Creative: Cherry season is here!
JLCK Creative: Tree planting session with Bunty O'Connor at Ajoupa.
JLCK Creative: Cocotte enjoying the garden at Medulla Art Gallery.
JLCK Creative: Sunday afternoon with the nephew.
JLCK Creative: Had a great evening about the #history of #Ajoupa #pottery with Bunty O' Connor!
JLCK Creative: Preparing for SHOW at Medulla art gallery featuring Jaime Lee Loy, Alicia Milne, Nikolai Noel, Tamara Tam Cruickshank, Luis Vasquez La Roche. Opening reception on Wednesday 17th June at 7pm.
JLCK Creative: #Cashew season is on!!!
JLCK Creative: Found it ironic that yesterday was Port is Spain city parade to represent the pride of the city while they continue to dismantle its own history.
JLCK Creative: Morning #church runs in Port of Spain. Trinity cathedral, the head of the Anglican diocese in Trinidad
JLCK Creative: Congratulations to @stephenbassano for making it into the UTT fashion show. It was great seeing your work in person!
JLCK Creative: Stella evening gown by Adrian Wilson at UTT fashion exhibition. Happy to see some strong fashion designers on the scene.