jlau: Grew up strong. 茁壯成長。
jlau: Skinhead Lady. 光頭淑女。
jlau: Staring. 凝望。
jlau: Smiley Face. 笑臉。
jlau: Enjoy vs. Uncomfortable 一臉滿足,一臉不滿。
jlau: little monk. 一休妹。
jlau: Uncle on the ground. 地下舅公。
jlau: Spitting Image. 倒模。
jlau: Grandpa. 爺。
jlau: ET is coming. 外星人。
jlau: Day 29. Nervous. 緊張。
jlau: Shattered 破落
jlau: and yeah, I am still alive too. 我也健在。
jlau: Dapeng Fortress in 2014. 你好,2014大鵬所城。
jlau: Early Spring in Shenzhen. The Words reads. 鵬城春早。
jlau: Same House, different look. 舊房新貌。
jlau: Day 11. Forming the shape. 成形。
jlau: Suburb. 甘孜荒野。
jlau: View from rooftop. 居高臨下看甘孜。
jlau: Ganzi in the raw. 原生態甘孜。
jlau: Simple and Clean. 簡約、聖潔。
jlau: Suspension Bridge, looks very 30's. 老吊橋。
jlau: Outside a Tibetan House. 藏居外。
jlau: downtown. 市中心。
jlau: River in the down town. 河流。
jlau: Stones with Tibetan Characters. 藏石。
jlau: Eat Eat Eat. 密密食
jlau: New art in the old town. 舊城潮物
jlau: Entrance (should be) 入口
jlau: VIP service. 貴賓級服務