callbusybiz: ROCAF_Mirage_2000-5Ei_118
kelarent: Anja2
Flo.Cr: DSC04497.jpg
John Bowno: A thank to my mum
eduardo pinto: Tour Eifel
Glazunov Andrey: Les Fonts de l'Algar
avant1997: Taipei,Taiwan 2016
XU, YOU-DE: LEICA minilux Fujifilm Reala 500D
jaumecopi: photo441
苑健: contax T2
【978】: 【指定動作】貝克漢姆
d26b73: AfterRainStopped II
@Tuncay: Bosnians (Sarajevo) Making Shadow Running in the rain
mfogiel: MF20145709
ShawnHHH: IMG_3348
Eric Lafforgue: Kurdish Peshmergas On The Frontline, Kirkuk, Kurdistan, Iraq
manyfires: three cheeky monkeys
Jerome Chi: Dad, this corn chowder is really hot... :@
Una 娜: 松山慈祐宮
Jerome Chi: 兩人