The National Archives UK: Bombing Census Map of Birmingham
squirlaraptor: How to Read a Book (A Study in Four Parts): Nov. 21, 2007
Larry Johnson: Greenwich Sky in Summer
Un ragazzo chiamato Bi: il mio punto di vista
Him_83: Free sign on the corner
George Eastman Museum: Jumping; running straight high jump
fro_Ost: Schlumbergera Macro #5
topherous: gradorooftops
i_gallagher: Footwear, chemistry, clothing
Joe Dunckley: Clifton Suspension Bridge
J.Salmoral: More than words
MorBCN: llibreria - bookstore - Amsterdam - HDR
Mark Strozier: Caution: Low Flying Dogs
Metro Transportation Library and Archive: Adams bus Southbound on Hill St. near 6th St.
tochis: Silent crowd
michaelroper: Hunrdeds & Thousands
austinevan: books in a stack (a stack of books)
jimg944: DSC08420, Hess Collection and Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA
northbaywanderer: Oil can collection
@Doug88888: Beach spade