Hazel Terry: Beanz the purring shadow
thomas_han: Lissi_4
natalie_ratkovski: A new illustration in process
Wayne Fan: 140330_午睡被叫醒...
Wayne Fan: 140330_看到阿珠唯一不瘋的一瞬間...
Nick^D: Melbourne Laneway Cafe
ramon PLA: La Mocaora.
cute10chen: [1030106~365-179~17M3d] 真的沒人睡姿比我威了
croter: 原味滴雞精
croter: 2014林務局知本教育中心手冊(設計/插畫)
croter: 駁二藝術特區春節漫遊地圖報紙廣告(插畫/設計)
VLAD... . . .: Big Bad Wolf
mojocoffee: 傑恩咖啡 王詩如
達姆 | chiachi: 09富邦講堂
達姆 | chiachi: 自由時報 12/08
water.drop: Whatever happens to you, don’t fall in despair. Even if all the doors are closed, a secret path will be there for you that no one knows. You can’t see it yet but so many paradises are at the end of this path. Be grateful! - Shams Tabrizi
Margaret the Novice: Mouse field with rose hips Siblands 4.11.2013 (1)
Kevin Day: Imperfect observations
Zsaj: Autumn items
Zsaj: Variety
buddiemom: 561994_3396960099631_1863089369_n
LayoutFREAK!: S u n r i s e Layout
croter: 家有多遠
LucKy wei / 拉拉: 盲人遇鼠記
OOLIN: 梅屋敷 Umeyashiki 梅屋敷