blackstation: 背影 / back
blackstation: 窥 / sneak
Soap Creatives: Spodsbjerg Fyrtårn
AVERY*: 澎湖花宅
iron wang: 澎湖 - 西瀛虹橋
Ifyouleavethestreet: Bahnhof Selnau, Zürich
Ifyouleavethestreet: Starry night at Klöntalersee, Glarus Switzerland
amsanpedro: Galaxy and Space Gas
nodie26: 最終測試 eos m 22mm 銀河
nodie26: 花蓮 蘇花公路
chris_peng: Sunset in kani
*amanda lynn: R.I.P Major<3
posthumus_cake ( The Subway, smasher of GND and polarizing filters alike
lukethephotographer: Day 130 - 365 Action Dining
justbelightful: Sky Drama
orgazmo: Agana Bay Sunset
" Celestial Aperture ": Heaven on Earth - Paraiso en la Tierra
Raymond_Tsai: Hong Kong_S-bend in Lai Chi Kok 荔枝角S彎道
igomezma: Belchite
馬‧修 | M a t t h e w: 雲濤洶湧而後平息
h.m.lenstalk: L1125041
iron wang: TAIPEI 101
photos=happiness - I am back!!: 10/52- “A smile is nearly always inspired by another smile” Author Unknown
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’ The Talmud