jimthatcher: Ornamec-Disaster
jimthatcher: Zoe, January 2010
jimthatcher: Fred, Land Iguana, South Plaza
jimthatcher: Nazca Boobies, Tower
jimthatcher: Fur Seal, Puerto Egas, Santiago
jimthatcher: Lava Heron, Puerto Egas, Santiago
jimthatcher: A matter of scale
jimthatcher: Waiting for a glimpse of Galapagos Rail
jimthatcher: Bachelor Colony, South Plaza
jimthatcher: Diana, Jim and Opuntia
jimthatcher: South Plaza
jimthatcher: Integrity, dining and lounge area
jimthatcher: Cabin 7, Integrity
jimthatcher: Integrity - our home for a week
jimthatcher: Great Frigatebird - chick, Tower
jimthatcher: Red-footed Booby, Tower
jimthatcher: Yellow-crowned Night Heron near the steps
jimthatcher: Prince Philip's steps, Tower
jimthatcher: Sunset from the top of Bartolome (Punta Egret)
jimthatcher: Steps to top of Bartolome
jimthatcher: Short-eared Owl, Puerto Egas, Santiago
jimthatcher: Punta Vicente Roca, Isabella
jimthatcher: Penguin - Punta Vicente Roca, Isabela
jimthatcher: More lava - shield volcano in background
jimthatcher: Lava - Punta Espinoza, Fernandina
jimthatcher: Marine iguanas en masse - Fernandina
jimthatcher: Highlands of Floreana, near Wittmer Cave
jimthatcher: Denise and Diana ready to snorkel near Floreana
jimthatcher: Frigate birds from Integrity
jimthatcher: Blue-footed Booby